• cheesy chicken and dumplings;

    March 6, 2024bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Cheesy chicken and dumplings is comfort food at its max. An easy crockpot meal, with tender, fall apart chicken topped with ooey-gooey dumplins straight from a can of biscuits.

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  • Avcoado Chicken Salad @ bestwithchocolate.com

    avocado chicken salad;

    December 29, 2017bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a healthful chicken salad that’s perfect in a wrap, as an appetizer, or just on its own, look no further! With toasted corn, cubed avocado, cooked chicken, hard boiled eggs, bacon, and chives, you’re sure to love this recipe! – – This chicken salad is perfect for that other half of a rotisserie chicken, or leftovers when you realize you’ve made far too much shredded crockpot chicken and just need something different! Plus it’s an easy and delicious–and healthy–recipe now that the holidays are over and you’re filled to the brim.  I followed the recipe from…

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