Beef Kofta @

hello fresh: beef kofta;

October 10, 2016Katie

This recipe for Beef Kofta is another hello fresh recipe.  I got another coupon in my e-mail, and with my life being ever-crazy, I figured it would be nice to skip the grocery shopping and have meals already planned!  So far I’ve tried hello fresh and blue apron by way of the food services.  I’ll sum up: both are good and convenient.  A little expensive for my taste, except when I get coupons in which case it’s a wonderful deal.  If you want to read more in-depth, check out my detailed comparison post of both: huevos rancheros quesadillas.

Shaping the meat for Beef Koftas @

This recipe kinda followed the pattern with hello fresh, that is definitely a good, solid recipe, but doesn’t top the charts.  That said, it’s different than pretty much anything else I make, and I would make it again!  I also liked the couscous, so like I said, a solid meal.

Pan frying the meat for Beef Koftas @

First things first though–if you’re like me, you want to know “What is Kofta”?  The googles says “it’s a spiced meatball”.  Well that’s not very descriptive, is it?  But lucky for you I did a little more digging so you don’t have to!  Basically it looks like it is a middle eastern or southeast asian dish, made of ground meat (or even veggies) and mixed with spices.  They can be formed into meatballs or cylinders and then grilled, baked, or fried, and served with anything from naan to couscous to veggies.  Honestly to me, it seems pretty similar to my lamb kebabs, except they’re not on a stick, and much more flexible in ingredients.


Mint and chili on top of couscous for Beef Kofta @

The cous cous for this recipe was also quite tasty.  I am always skeptical of mint in dishes, but it was not overpowering, even though it seemed like a lot for the couscous.  And I consider it progress in my spice tolerance that I added the entire chili, seeds and all!  My only complaint was that a few bites had a lot more kick than others, which I presume comes from the fact that couscous is pretty light and those chili seeds gotta go somewhere.

Couscous to serve with Beef Kofta @

This recipe is pretty straightforward, but hopefully you’ve noticed by now that my photos are a little bit better!  I’ve made the switch to a pretty new camera from my iPhone, and I’m diving into trying it out!  I know I definitely need practice, but at least I can see the difference already just in the light and composition of my photographs.  So join me in the journey!  And whip yourself up some beef kofta for the ride!

Beef Kofta @


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